Mindfulness mario alonso puig, YOGA PARA PRINCIPIANTES

Mindfulness mario alonso puig

Take a break mario alonso puig

We all face challenges that require calm, enthusiasm and confidence if we want to turn them into extraordinary opportunities for learning and personal growth. In “Reset your mind”, Dr. Mario Alonso Puig shows us surprising and often unknown aspects of the fascinating relationship that exists between the brain, the mind and what happens to us.

When life challenges us, it is necessary to awaken and bring to the surface the whole world of possibilities that each one of us harbors inside. Research in the fields of medicine, psychology and philosophy helps us to draw, in the midst of complexity and uncertainty, the path that leads to fulfillment.

Dr. Mario Alonso Puig offers us a map with which to know ourselves better. Little by little he will reveal the secret of how people create the eyes through which we observe and perceive the world.

We all face challenges before which we must act with calm, enthusiasm and confidence if we want to turn them into extraordinary opportunities for learning and personal growth. In “Reset your mind” Dr. Mario Alonso Puig shows us surprising and often unknown aspects of the fascinating relationship that exists between the brain, the mind and what happens to us.

1:08:56full version. in every human being there is greatness, mario alonso …aprendemosjuntosyoutube – 25 apr 2018

“Another of the things that this extraordinary scientist of the mind discovered twenty-five centuries ago is that at the root of all suffering is the belief, our feeling of certainty, that we are isolated beings, separated from the rest of the world.”

“In identifying ourselves completely with our form and not with our essence is the root of all problems and the origin of suffering. This is what we call ego, the belief that we are separate from the universe and from Life itself.”

“Happiness is the result of connecting with that which we are and discovering that our essence is not material but spiritual, and is therefore also immortal. So not only do we have Life, but, and this is the essential thing, we are also Life.”

“To become an observer of oneself, of others and of the world one must have a beginner’s mentality, of someone who recognizes that he does not know and who wants to know. And this is not possible without the interest aroused by curiosity.”

Mindfulness mario alonso puig meditacion conectar contigo

Mario Alonso Puig está disponible para conferencias virtuales y seminarios web. Por favor, rellene el formulario o póngase en contacto con uno de nuestros agentes para informarse sobre las tarifas de los compromisos virtuales. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que los honorarios indicados arriba son para compromisos presenciales.

Mario Alonso Puig está disponible para conferencias virtuales y seminarios web. Rellene el formulario o póngase en contacto con uno de nuestros agentes para informarse sobre las tarifas de los compromisos virtuales. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que los honorarios indicados arriba son para compromisos presenciales.

Desde una perspectiva médica, en la primera línea del sufrimiento, el dolor, la enfermedad, la recuperación y el tratamiento, el Dr. Mario Alonso Puig ha elaborado algunas teorías y programas de desarrollo para el liderazgo, la creación de equipos y el alto rendimiento en entornos presionados.

En sus charlas habla de la importancia de nuestro estado de ánimo a la hora de afrontar los problemas de la vida en un mundo cada vez más complejo. Destaca la importancia de buscar enfoques ventajosos y ofrecer alternativas.

Según Mario Alonso Puig, lo primero que debemos hacer para adaptarnos es dejar de aferrarnos al pasado. La impartición de charlas y la organización de seminarios y talleres de formación le han permitido seguir en estrecho contacto con el mundo empresarial y sus intereses en las áreas de motivación, liderazgo y creatividad.Es profesor de Liderazgo, Comunicación y Creatividad Empresarial en varios programas del Centro de Estudios y Formación Empresarial Garrigues, donde demuestra cómo entender y desarrollar las habilidades esenciales para liderar equipos.

20:53mario alonso puig – act every dayamotivandoyoutube – 27 jun 2021

“I have seen how this practice radically changes the structure of our brain and improves health, reduces aging, improves productivity and creativity among many other aspects.”

When a person lives stressed, anxious about the past or worried about the future and with a limiting internal dialogue, changes occur in the brain structure, with the following results:

Researcher from Massachusetts General Hospital, belonging to Harvard University, has demonstrated the effects of Stress on the hippocampus which is the essential structure in the memory circuits.

There is an alteration in the functioning of the human mind, which causes us to see ourselves, others and the world in a profoundly distorted way. What if there are states of mind that lead us to unhappiness and others that lead us to happiness? What if there was an approach that would allow us to experience life with greater fulfillment?

“I had the great opportunity to train with Mario in Mindfulness. It was a great learning from the best on how focusing on the present moment, mindfulness, can have both physically and psychologically beneficial effects, and how it can help improve your life on a personal and professional level.