Yoga principiantes elena malova, YOGA PARA PRINCIPIANTES

Yoga principiantes elena malova

Elena malova yoga 7

El ejercicio conocido como yoga, que se originó en la India y se ha expandido por todo el mundo desde los años 60, es una práctica que no sólo ayuda a ejercitar los músculos, fortalecer los huesos y las articulaciones y favorecer la circulación sanguínea, sino que también ayuda a la salud mental. El yoga nos ayuda a centrarnos en nosotros mismos y en nuestro cuerpo, a controlar nuestra respiración (hacer 10 respiraciones profundas cuando estás enfadado es un sabio consejo) y a entrar en contacto con tu interior.

Con una onda muy tranquila pero sin dejar de hablar de los cambios que todos hemos experimentado, Adriene ofrece rutinas para todos los niveles desde su apartamento minimalista. Adriane se ha convertido en una celebridad. Si buscas una sesión relajada pero exigente, este canal es para ti. Hay sesiones cortas que son ideales para cuando te apetece hacer ejercicio pero no demasiado tiempo.

Empezar a practicar yoga puede parecer intimidante para algunos, pero Malova Elena tiene la capacidad de relajarte en sus clases para principiantes. Desde 2011, su canal ha reunido más de tres millones de seguidores. Tiene decenas de vídeos especializados divididos por duración, parte del cuerpo y nivel de experiencia. Su voz relajante te ayuda a aislarte del mundo y centrarte en ti mismo.

13:16yoga in bed | wake up exercises | 12 minutes …malovaelenayoutube – 7 dec 2020

Unidad de Fomento (UF): 30.345,48 Pesos – Average Value Index (IVP): 31.322,47 Pesos – Observed Dollar: 804,32 Pesos – Agreed Dollar: 758,87 Pesos – Euro: 933,84 Pesos – Consumer Price Index (IPC): 1,20% – Monthly Tax Unit (UTM): 52. 842.00 Pesos – Imacec: 19.10% – Monetary Policy Rate (TPM): 2.75% – Pound of Copper: 4.52 Dollars – Unemployment Rate: 8.55% – Bitcoin: 60,345.17 Dollars

Elena was totally convinced of her choice, in turn she enjoyed YouTube videos where other people shared their fitness knowledge, this inspired her to create her own channel to guide all those people who decide to change by choice their lifestyle.

Malova also said that her main goal was to feel healthy and satisfied with her body, so she worked hard to achieve it with the support of her family, that’s how she began to specialize as a personal trainer and has developed different sports disciplines such as cardio training, resistance, yoga, flexibility, abs, among others.

29:04yoga detox whole body yoga | intense yoga | 30 min with …malovaelenayoutube – 14 jun 2021

It was a great surprise to discover that there is so much to work on and learn. At first I was passionate about the physical aspect – the asanas. I noticed that with each practice I have more strength and flexibility, that with time new and more challenging postures begin to emerge. It is a tremendous field for self-discovery. I learned to listen to my body and understand it, to be more attentive and respectful. And this transformation expanded beyond the physical body, I applied this knowledge with the people around me, with students, I began to transmit the message of love for the body and consciousness.

When I managed to have more body awareness, a new field opened up to work on – mental, energetic and universal consciousness. The meditations really clicked for me and created a remarkable change. Through meditations I am able to feel the energy, how it flows, I am able to work on my fears and anxieties, I learn to be more open to new experiences, to lower the revolutions of the mind, to be more resistant to stress. And along with that I connect with myself, but at a deeper level than the physical body, something that you can’t see, but you can feel and observe.